List of Companies in Fushe Kruja, Albania
Searching for businesses in Fushe Kruja? Explore a directory of 81 companies located in Fushe Kruja, Albania. Top companies in Albania, businesses near me.
We found 81 companies
Babasi Coo
Fushe Kruja, Fushe Kruja
Babasi operates in production, trade and transportation of inert materials, such as: sand, gravel, stones, gravel, lime, granules, and various building materials. Import-export, production and process...
1Brianza Dent
Lgj. Kastrioti, Nd. Ne Krahe Te Bashkise, Fushe Kruja
Per nje kujdes te sigurt dhe me metodat e fundit, ju ofrojme nje sherbim elitar prane Briazna Dent Fushëkrujë.